Section 3 - Fiscal and Business Affairs
300 Budget Process (.pdf, 482K)
301 Fiscal Management (.pdf, 334K)
302 Purchasing Guidelines (.pdf, 512K)
303 Risk Management (.pdf, 337K)
304 Payroll and Payroll Deductions (.pdf, 344K)
305 Reimbursement of Travel Expenses (.pdf, 427K)
306 Open Records Act (.pdf, 483K)
307 Inventory (.pdf, 357K)
308 Records Retention and Disposition (.pdf, 327K)
309 Red Flags Rules and Identity Theft Prevention (.pdf, 547K)
310 Student Financial Responsibility Process (.pdf, 480K)
311 Independent Contractor or Consultant (.pdf, 643K)
Section 4 - Personnel
400 Employment Policies (.pdf, 359K)
401 Probation (.pdf, 422K)
402 Insurance (.pdf, 349K)
403 Retirement (.pdf, 445K)
404 Vacation Leave (.pdf, 452K)
405 Sick Leave (.pdf, 439K)
406 Leave of Absence (.pdf, 334K)
407 Compensatory Time: Non-exempt Personnel (.pdf, 457K)
408 Communicable Diseases: Employees (.pdf, 444K)
409 Faculty Teaching Load (.pdf, 451K)
410 Faculty Evaluations (.pdf, 451K)
411 Faculty Tenure (.pdf, 469K)
412 Recommendations of Re-Employment (.pdf, 332K)
413 Reduction in Force (.pdf, 488K)
414 Employee Termination, Suspension, and Demotion (.pdf, 439K)
415 Employee Due Process (.pdf, 658K)
416 Evidentiary Hearings (.pdf, 359K)
417 Employee Grievances (.pdf, 341K)
418 Adjunct Faculty Positions (.pdf, 334K)
419 Family and Medical Leave (.pdf, 367K)
420 Social Media (.pdf, 602K)
Social Media Guidelines (.pdf, 382K)
421 Safety and Security Training (.pdf, 360K)
422 Children in the Workplace (.pdf, 337K)
423 Background Checks (.pdf, 342K)
424 Consensual Relationships (.pdf, 344K)
425 Dress and Personal Appearance (.pdf, 461K)
426 Performance Evaluation for Staff (.pdf, 342K)
427 Emeritus (.pdf, 444K)
428 Faculty Senate (.pdf, 332K)
429 Academic Affairs (.pdf, 468K)
430 Guidelines for any State Question, Primary, Runoff and General Elections (.pdf, 373K)
431 Emergency Telework (.pdf, 456K)
432 Employee Longevity Pay
433 Administrative Leave
434 Employee Degree Attainment Incentive
Section 5 - Campus Administration and Activities
500 Public Use of College Property (.pdf, 354K)
501 Institutional Contacts with News and Advertisement Media (.pdf, 333K)
502 Campus Security (.pdf, 480K)
503 Title IX and Sexual Misconduct (.pdf, 532K)
504 Sexual Assault (.pdf, 347K)
505 Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act to Prevent Alcohol and Drug Abuse (.pdf, 358K)
506 Research and Surveys (.pdf, 327K)
507 Information Technology Services (ITS) (.pdf, 534K)
508 Logos, College Colors, and Publications (.pdf, 348K)
509 Personal Use of College Property (.pdf, 326K)
510 Nondiscrimination and Complaints (.pdf, 712K)
511 Copyright and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing (.pdf, 364K)
512 Payment Card Industry Security Standards (.pdf, 356K)
513 Tobacco Free Campus (.pdf, 337K)
514 Alcoholic Beverages (.pdf, 548K)
515 20% x 2020 Oklahoma Facilities Energy Program (.pdf, 380K)
516 Weapons, Firearms, Ammunition, Fireworks, Explosives, and Dangerous Chemicals (.pdf, 353K)
517 Parking Decals (.pdf, 447K)
518 Locks and Keys (.pdf, 207K)
519 Marijuana on Campus (.pdf, 354K)
520 Campus Closures (.pdf, 448K)
521 Acquisition of IT Hardware, Software and Services
Section 6 - Student Affairs
600 Student Grievances (.pdf, 428K)
601 Student Grade Appeals (.pdf, 619K)
602 Chronic Communicable Diseases: Students (.pdf, 357K)
603 Missing Student (.pdf, 335K)
604 Timely Warning (.pdf, 442K)
605 Academic Integrity (.pdf, 483K)
606 Tuition Waivers for Employees and Their Dependents (.pdf, 358K)
607 Student Conduct Code (.pdf, 443K)
608 Academic Year Definition (.pdf, 450K)
609 State Authorization (.pdf, 502K)
610 Misrepresentation (.pdf, 352K)
611 Consumer Information for Student Athletes (.pdf, 365K)
612 Fiscal and Cash Management (.pdf, 378K)
613 Conflicting Data (.pdf, 360K)
614 General Requirements Institutional Eligibility and Updating Information (.pdf, 351K)
615 Certification (.pdf, 476K)
616 Compliance Audits and Audited Financial Statements (.pdf, 346K)
617 Immigration Status and Secondary Confirmation Documentation (.pdf, 514K)
618 Pell Grant Calculations and Changes (.pdf, 356K)
619 Pell Grant Fiscal Records and Disbursements Requirements (.pdf, 361K)
620 Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant Program (.pdf, 341K)
621 Return to Title IV Refund (R2T4) (.pdf, 387K)
622 Verification (.pdf, 443K)
623 Federal Direct Loans/Plus (.pdf, 569K)
624 Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA) (.pdf, 560K)
625 Student Support Services for Students with Disabilities (.pdf, 702K)
626 Student Accommodation Grievance (.pdf, 627K)
627 Competitive Teams Drug Testing (.pdf, 800K)
628 Student Travel Related Expenses (.pdf, 343K)
629 Admission and Enrollment