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Can you afford to go to college?

Yes, you can with Redlands’ low tuition and fees.

You can see the specific costs broken down below, or view the total estimated costs of attendance.

Our nursing program costs differ from other programs. Learn more about these costs.

Residential Status Per Credit Hour
Oklahoma Resident $154.84
Non-Oklahoma Resident
($154.84 resident + $85.51 non-resident)
International Student
($154.84 resident + $85.51 non-resident + $75 international fee)


Course Fees  
Ag $20.00
Art $20.00
Athletic/Personal Trainer Fee $15.00
Remedial/Developmental $15.00
Science $35.00


Mandatory Fees  
Campus Safety & Wellness Fee $25.00 per semester
Portal Access Fee** $22.00 per credit hour


Special Fees  
Records/Transcript Fee $1.00
Admission* (upon initial enrollment) $25.00
Competitive Team Fee $60.00
Prior Learning Assessment Fee $12.00

**Every student will be charged Portal Access, Records/Transcript, and Campus Safety & Wellness fees regardless of enrollment type.  


Cougar Crossing (Housing) Per Semester
Four-Bedroom Apartment (Fall/Spring) $2,632.00 per bedroom
Four-Bedroom Apartment (Summer) $1,720.00 per bedroom
Two-Bedroom Apartment (Fall/Spring) $3,022.00 per bedroom
Two-Bedroom Apartment (Summer) $2,015.00 per bedroom

*Includes rent and all utilities


Special Nursing Flat Fees Approximate Cost
Nursing Course Clinical Fees Varies by course
Lab Supply Kit $200.00 – $275.00
Licensure Testing Fees $300.00 – $350.00
Miscellaneous $30.00 – $200.00
Uniforms and Equipment $150.00 - $250.00
Standardized Tests (per course) $75.00 – $100.00
Student Malpractice Insurance (annually) $25.00
Student Photo Nametags $10.00
Textbooks/Materials (per course) $800.00 – $1,500.00
Graduation Photos/School Pin $50.00 - $200.00
Background Check (per year) $15.00 - $75.00
Health Insurance (annually) $20.00
Copying and Printing (per semester) $100.00
TEAS Test $65.00
NURS 1114 Nursing Foundation and
NURS 1116 Nursing I $1,183.00
NURS 1128 Nursing II (New Students) $906.00
NURS 1128 Nursing II (Returning Students) $638.00
NURS 1128 Nursing II (Repeat) $729.00
NURS 2238 Nursing III (New Students) $862.00
NURS 2238 Nursing III (Returning Students) $768.00
NURS 2238 Nursing III (Repeat) $803.00
NURS 2248 Nursing IV (New Students) $690.50
NURS 2248 Nursing IV (Returning Students) $551.50
NURS 2248 Nursing IV (Repeat) $627.50
NURS 2342 Nursing Capstone $231.50

Please refer to the Nursing Student Handbook online for additional information regarding related fees.

Additional Fees

Audit a Course (without credit): Same charge as regular fees.

Non-Credit Offerings: Non-credit courses, workshops and seminars will be priced on the basis of individual program costs.

Non-credit Recreation and Fitness Classes: Full refunds will be granted to non-credit students who officially withdraw prior to the start of the first class meeting. Students who withdraw after the start of the first class meeting will not qualify for a refund. To officially withdraw, a non-credit student must contact the Office of Fitness for Life 405.422.1418 or 405.422.6229 or they will be billed for the class.

Non-credit Continuing and Contracted Education Classes: Participants enrolled in non-credit classes, workshops, seminars or other activities offered by Redlands Community College who officially withdraw before the scheduled starting time will receive a full refund. To officially withdraw, students must contact the Student Services Office at 405.422.1417. Participants who fail to officially withdraw will be billed.

Testing Fee: Contact the ACE Tutoring Center for information on specific testing fees, 405.262.2552, ext. 6270.

Miscellaneous Fees: For some services and in some courses, special services, supplies or equipment may be used. Costs for these are the responsibility of the student. Special charges are itemized and reflected in student bills.

Fees Are Subject to Change: Tuition and Fees are approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and are subject to change without notice. In the event of an approved change, you will be assessed accordingly.

Students can view their bill at any time through Self-Service. The Business Office does not mail out statements.