Faculty & Staff Directory
Name | Title | Department | Phone | |
Dodson, Abbigale | Upward Bound Instructor | Upward Bound | abbi.dodson@redlandscc.edu | |
Whitson, Abby | Student Engagement Assistant | NASNTI Part F Grant | (405) 422-1424 | abby.whitson@redlandscc.edu |
Barnett, Adriauna | Administrative Assistant | Print Shop | (405) 422-7867 | adriauna.barnett@redlandscc.edu |
Shafer, Alex | Professor of English and Developmental Writing / Director of Academic Center for Enhancement (ACE) / Investigator for Title IX / Accuplacer Administrator / Gallery Curator | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6270 | Alex.Shafer@redlandscc.edu |
Dickinson, Amber | Adjunct Instructor for Social Science | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-6210 | Amber.Dickinson@redlandscc.edu |
Graham, Amy | Project Director for Title IV Student Support Services Grant | TRIO - Student Support Services | (405) 422-1263 | amy.graham@redlandscc.edu |
Post-McCorkle, Amy | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | Amy.PostMcCorkle@redlandscc.edu | |
Schroeder, Amy | Adjunct Instructor for Performing Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6273 | Amy.Schroeder@redlandscc.edu |
Woods, Amy | Administrative Assistant for Foundation and Agriculture Department | Foundation and Agriculture | (405) 422-1437 | amy.woods@redlandscc.edu |
Marshall, Ann | Adjunct Professor for Agricultural Science | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-6225 | ann.marshall@redlandscc.edu |
Rinehart, Anna | Coordinator for Fitness for Life Program | Fitness Trainer | (405) 422-6229 | rineharta@redlandscc.edu |
Pearson, Annie | Vice President for Academic Affairs | Administration of Academic Services | (405) 422-1262 | pearsona@redlandscc.edu |
Crossley, Ashlea | Adjunct Professor for Social Science | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-1272 | Ashlea.Crossley@redlandscc.edu |
Khaton, Ayesha | Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-1483 | Ayesha.Khaton@redlandscc.edu |
Trammell, Bailey | Adjunct Professor for Social Sciences | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | bailey.trammell@redlandscc.edu | |
Callis, Brandon | Professor of Agriculture | Business and Agriculture | (405) 422-1401 | brandon.callis@redlandscc.edu |
Aylworth, Barbara | Adjunct Instructor for Mathematics | Mathematics & Science | barbara.aylworth@redlandscc.edu | |
Cox, Barbara | Basic Skills Specialist/Adjunct Faculty - TRIO SSS Program | TRIO - Student Support Services | barbara.cox@redlandscc.edu | |
Richmond, Beau | Head Coach of Women's Soccer | Health, Phys Ed & Recreation | (405) 422-1278 | Beau.Richmond@redlandscc.edu |
Holley-Griffith, Bethany | Adjunct Professor for History | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | b.holleygriffith@redlandscc.edu | |
McQuain, Blake | Assistant Coach for Men’s Baseball and Fitness Center Worker | Men’s Baseball and Fitness For Life | michael.b.mcquain@redlandscc.edu | |
Leck, Brady | Student Services Specialist I | Admissions and Advising | (405) 422-1266 | brady.leck@redlandscc.edu |
Krittenbrink, Brandi | Adjunct Instructor for Early Child Development | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-6296 | |
Chase, Brandy | Adjunct Professor for Nursing | Nursing and Allied Health | brandy.chase@redlandscc.edu | |
Bleeker, Brayden | Data Entry Specialist/Admin Assistant | NASNTI Part F | (405) 422-1494 | brayden.bleeker@redlandscc.edu |
Harkins, Brenda | Business Office Supervisor, Director of Purchasing | Business Office | (405) 422-1410 | harkinsb@redlandscc.edu |
Witt, Brenda | Professor of Microbiology and Life Sciences/Coordinator of Undergraduate Research in STEM/Coordinator of Oklahoma IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (OK-INBRE) Grant Program | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-1475 | Brenda.Witt@redlandscc.edu |
Johnson, Brent | Technology Specialist for the (NASNTI) STEM (Part A) Grant | NASNTI Part A (STEM) | brent.johnson@redlandscc.edu | |
Pappe, Brock | General Maintenance Worker | Physical Plant | brock.pappe@redlandscc.edu | |
Fuller, Brooke | Adjunct Professor for Social Sciences | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | Brooke.Fuller@redlandscc.edu | |
Larman, Bryan | Locksmith and General Maintenance Worker | Physical Plant | (405) 422-1459 | bryan.larman@redlandscc.edu |
Jacobs, Caitlyn | Adjunct Professor for History | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | caitlyn.jacobs@redlandscc.edu | |
Walls, Carl | Webmaster | External Affairs | (405) 422-1481 | carl.walls@redlandscc.edu |
Hansen, Carlie | Adjunct Professor for Management Science | Management | Carlie.Hansen@redlandscc.edu | |
Magness, Carlyn | Upward Bound English Instructor | Upward Bound | carlyn.magness@redlandscc.edu | |
Neel, Caroline | Adjunct Professor | Mathematics & Science | caroline.neel@redlandscc.edu | |
Rain, Cherry | Professor for Political Science, Academic Bowl Coach, Student Organizations Coordinator | Academic Affairs | (405) 422-1493 | rainc@redlandscc.edu |
Peele, Chris | Adjunct Professor for Mathematics | Mathematics & Science | christopher.peele@redlandscc.edu | |
Davis, Christina | Upward Bound Instructor | Upward Bound | christina.davis@redlandscc.edu | |
Wilson, Cody | Adjunct Professor for Art | Social Science | cody.wilson@redlandscc.edu | |
Hunka, Dana | Assistant Registrar/Coordinator of Student Activities | Registrar and Student Records | (405) 422-6245 | Dana.Hunka@redlandscc.edu |
Smith, Dana | Human Resources Specialist | Human Resources | (405) 422-1469 | Dana.Smith@redlandscc.edu |
Wiglesworth, Danaee | Instructor of Nursing | Nursing | (405) 422-6282 | danaee.wiglesworth@redlandscc.edu |
Cox, Danielle | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | danielle.cox@redlandscc.edu | |
Harmon, Danielle | Business Services Assistant | Business Office | (405) 422-1425 | dani.harmon@redlandscc.edu |
Thomas, Darvin | Adjunct Instructor for Nursing (Clinicals) | Nursing | darvin.thomas@redlandscc.edu | |
Rowe, Dayna | Executive Director of External Affairs | External Affairs | (405) 422-1467 | Dayna.Rowe@redlandscc.edu |
Newberry, Debbie | Assistant Director of Student Services | Admissions and Advising | (405) 422-6202 | Debbie.Newberry@redlandscc.edu |
McIntire, Debra | Adjunct Instructor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-1456 | Debra.McIntire@redlandscc.edu |
Wynia-Wedel, Denise | Adjunct Instructor for Performing Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-1419 | wyniad@redlandscc.edu |
Pearson, Derek | Director of Artificial Insemination and Manager of the Darlington Applied Research Center | Agriculture | (405) 422-1277 | Derek.Pearson@redlandscc.edu |
Duffy, Diane | Interim Director of Nursing and Allied Health | Nursing and Allied Health | (405) 422-6207 | diane.duffy@redlandscc.edu |
Rowe, Don | Adjunct Instructor for TRIO SSS Grant | TRIO SSS Grant | (405) 422-6254 | Don.Rowe@redlandscc.edu |
Tuley, Don | Assistant Coach for Men’s Basketball | Athletics | donny.tuley@redlandscc.edu | |
Holyan, Dorothea | Director for the (NASNTI) Part A Cooperative Grant | NASNTI Part A Cooperative Grant | (405) 422-6269 | dorothea.holyan@redlandscc.edu |
Zweiacher, Ed | Adjunct Professor for Agriculture | Agriculture & Business | zweiachere@redlandscc.edu | |
Zucksworth, Eli | Director of Athletics, Institutional and Student Compliance, Coordinator of Title IX | Institutional Compliance | (405) 422-1280 | zucksworthe@redlandscc.edu |
McCauley, Elise | Professor of Speech and English | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6228 | elise.mccauley@redlandscc.edu |
Bellinger, Emily | Records Specialist | Registrar and Student Records | (405) 422-6240 | emily.bellinger@redlandscc.edu |
Robinson, Emily | Adjunct Professor for Social Science | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | emily.robinson@redlandscc.edu | |
Wright, Eric | Upward Bound PE Instructor | Upward Bound | ericd.wright@redlandscc.edu | |
Daggs, Erica | Academic Advisor/Student Engagement Specialist for Title IV Student Support Services Grant | Title IV Student Support Services Grant | (405) 422-6213 | erica.daggs@redlandscc.edu |
Roscom, Erik | Adjunct Professor for Social Science | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-6253 | Erik.Roscom@redlandscc.edu |
Karl, Erin | Professor of History | Social Science | (405) 422-6295 | Erin.Karl@redlandscc.edu |
Snyder, Erin | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | erin.snyder@redlandscc.edu | |
Peters-Hurtt, Gaylina | Manager of Auxiliary Services | Events and Hospitality | (405) 422-1275 | gaylina.petershurtt@redlandscc.edu |
Newberry, Gene | Adjunct Professor of Management | Agriculture & Business | gene.newberry@redlandscc.edu | |
Klaus, Haleigh | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | haleigh.klausbelka@redlandscc.edu | |
Seibold, Haley | Outreach Specialist for (NASNTI) Part A Cooperative Grant | NASNTI Part A Cooperative Grant | haley.seibold@redlandscc.edu | |
Basler, Heather | Adjunct Instructor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6237 | heather.basler@redlandscc.edu |
Shea, Heather | Adjunct Instructor for Social Science | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-1433 | Heather.Shea@redlandscc.edu |
Badgett, Heidi | Adjunct Instructor for Clinical Nursing | Nursing | heidi.badgett@redlandscc.edu | |
Brown, Hillary | Administrative Assistant for the Scholars for Excellence in Child Care Grant | Scholars for Excellence in Child Care (SECC) | (405) 422-1287 | hillary.brown@redlandscc.edu |
Avila, Holly | Registrar and Director of Student Records | Registrar and Student Records | (405) 422-6283 | Holly.Avila@redlandscc.edu |
Green, Holly | Adjunct Instructor for Liberal Arts, Upward Bound Instructor | Liberal Arts, Upward Bound | holly.green@redlandscc.edu | |
Turner, James | Coordinator of Royse Ranch Operations | Agriculture Operations and Auxiliary Enterprises | (405) 422-1422 | James.Turner@redlandscc.edu |
Foster, Jana | Adjunct Professor for Music Appreciation | Social Science | jana.l.foster@redlandscc.edu | |
Garrison, Jason | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | jason.garrison@redlandscc.edu | |
Rooks, Jason | Adjunct Professor for Political Science | Social Science | jason.rooks@redlandscc.edu | |
Holbrook-Gatz, Jaxon | Adjunct Instructor for Clinical Nursing | Nursing | Jaxon.Holbrookgatz@redlandscc.edu | |
Niehues, Jay | Head Coach for Women's Basketball | Health, Phys Ed & Recreation | (405) 422-6258 | Jay.Niehues@redlandscc.edu |
Pearce, Jeff | Chief Information Officer, Chief Information Security Officer | Information Technology | (405) 422-1246 | Jeff.Pearce@redlandscc.edu |
Sheldon, Jeffrey | Professor of Political Science, eSports Coach | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-7054 | Jeffrey.Sheldon@redlandscc.edu |
Marr, Jena | President | President's Office | (405) 422-1265 | Jena.Marr@redlandscc.edu |
Fike, Jennifer | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | jennifer.fike@redlandscc.edu | |
Madzivire, Jennifer | Administrative and Data Entry Assistant for the Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI) STEM (Part A) Grant | NASNTI STEM | (405) 422-1248 | Jennifer.Madzivire@redlandscc.edu |
Barney, Jessica | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | jessica.barney@redlandscc.edu | |
Burgess, Jill | Director for the Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI) Part F Grant | NASNTI Part F Grant | (405) 422-6280 | Jill.Burgess@redlandscc.edu |
Tammen, Joe | Maintenance, Custodian Worker | Physical Plant | (405) 262-2552 | Joe.Tammen@redlandscc.edu |
Fields, Jon | Executive Vice President | Administration of Fiscal Operations | (405) 422-1414 | jon.fields@redlandscc.edu |
Molina Negron, Jose | Head Coach of Men’s Basketball/Director of Sports Information | Health, Phys Ed & Recreation | (405) 422-6249 | Jose.MolinaNegron@redlandscc.edu |
Rollins, Joshua | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | Joshua.Rollins@redlandscc.edu | |
Smith, Joshua | Executive Director of the Physical Plant | Physical Plant | (405) 422-6209 | joshua.smith@redlandscc.edu |
Sifuentes Suarez, Juan | Coordinator of Student Housing Maintenance | Physical Plant | Juan.SifuentesSuarez@redlandscc.edu | |
Flegal-Smallwood, Julie | Director of the NASNTI STEM (Part A) Grant | NASNTI STEM Part A Grant | (405) 422-1247 | Julie.FlegalSmallwood@redlandscc.edu |
Lamb, Julie | Student Counselor for the NASNTI Part F Grant | NASNTI Part F | (405) 422-6236 | lambj@redlandscc.edu |
Daniels, Kacey | Executive Director of Student Services | Admissions & Advising | (405) 422-1203 | Kacey.Daniels@redlandscc.edu |
Funderburg, Karen | Adjunct Instructor for Nutrition | Allied Health | (405) 422-6266 | Karen.Funderburg@redlandscc.edu |
Huett, Karen | Scholar Coordinator for the SECC Grant | Scholars for Excellence in Child Care (SECC) | (405) 422-1286 | Karen.Huett@redlandscc.edu |
Landolfi, Karen | Adjunct Professor for Social Science | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-6278 | landolfik@redlandscc.edu |
White-Bouziden, Karen | Academic Advisor for Veterans Upward Bound | Veterans Upward Bound | (405) 422-1484 | karen.whitebouziden@redlandscc.edu |
Coughlan, Kathleen | Department Head of Math and Science and Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Life Sciences | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-6225 | Kathleen.Coughlan@redlandscc.edu |
Grissom, Kathy | Administrative Assistant for Upward Bound | Upward Bound | (405) 422-1250 | Kathy.Grissom@redlandscc.edu |
Beardsley, Kayna | Student Services Specialist II | Admissions & Advising | kayna.beardsley@redlandscc.edu | |
Williams, Kelly | Accounts Payable Clerk | Business Office | (405) 422-6261 | williamsk@redlandscc.edu |
Hull, Kenzi | Executive Assistant to the President | President's Office | (405) 422-1258 | hullk@redlandscc.edu |
Hawk, Kevin | Professor of English, Phi Theta Kappa Advisor | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6267 | hawkk@redlandscc.edu |
Andrade, Kim | Director of Human Resources | Human Resources | (405) 422-1267 | andradek@redlandscc.edu |
Rex, Kim | Adjunct Professor for Science | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-6289 | Kim.Rex@redlandscc.edu |
Rutherford, Kimberly | Human Resources Assistant | Human Resources | (405) 422-1468 | kimberly.rutherford@redlandscc.edu |
Winterrowd, Kristin | Curriculum Development, Canvas Specialist | Administration of Academic Services | (405) 422-1477 | Kristin.Winterrowd@redlandscc.edu |
Kaya, Kurt | Adjunct Professor for Performing Arts | Performing Arts | (405) 422-6273 | Kurt.Kaya@redlandscc.edu |
Harper, Landon | Adjunct Professor for HPER | Nursing and Allied Health | landon.harper@redlandscc.edu | |
Newell, Lauren | Instructor of Nursing / Assistant Director of Nursing | Nursing & Allied Health | (405) 422-6264 | lauren.r.newell@redlandscc.edu |
Sturgis, Leah | Administrative Assistant for Veterans Upward Bound | Veterans Upward Bound | (405) 422-1405 | leah.sturgis@redlandscc.edu |
Tumblson, LeeAnn | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | leeann.tumblson@redlandscc.edu | |
Bowling, Linda | Adjunct Instructor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6273 | linda.bowling@redlandscc.edu |
Kastl, Lisa | Mathematics Professor | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-6219 | lisa.kastl@redlandscc.edu |
Peterman, Lisa | Wedding/Event Liaison and Bookstore Clerk | Chapel and Bookstore | lisa.peterman@redlandscc.edu | |
Scotten, Macey | Coordinator of Strategic Partnerships | Admin of Academic Services | macey.scotten@redlandscc.edu | |
Williams, Mackenzi | Assistant Director for Financial Aid | Financial Aid | (405) 422-1438 | Mackenzi.Williams@redlandscc.edu |
Shottenkirk, Marcia | Professor of Liberal Studies, Department Head of Liberal Arts, Director of Service-Learning | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6237 | Marcia.Shottenkirk@redlandscc.edu |
Tanner-Garrett, Marcy | Adjunct Instructor for Clinical Nursing | Nursing | Marcy.TannerGarrett@redlandscc.edu | |
Evans, Marisa | Adjunct Professor of Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | marisa.evans@redlandscc.edu | |
Mills, Marsha | Adjunct Instructor for Liberal Arts | Social Science | (405) 422-6273 | Marsha.Mills@redlandscc.edu |
Newman, Mary | Adjunct Professor for Nursing | Nursing & Allied Health | mary.newman@redlandscc.edu | |
Tierney, Matthew | Professor of Chemistry and Sciences | Science | matthew.tierney@redlandscc.edu | |
Eden, Maxine | Business Office Assistant | Business Office | (405) 422-1466 | Maxine.Eden@redlandscc.edu |
Davis, Melissa | Adjunct Instructor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6237 | Melissa.Davis@redlandscc.edu |
Hilliard, Melissa | Testing Center Assistant / Assistant Coach for the Academic Team | Academic Center for Enhancement and Academic Team | melissa.hilliard@redlandscc.edu | |
Behrens, Merideth | Coach for the Beef Show Team | Agriculture | (405) 422-1416 | merideth.behrens@redlandscc.edu |
Burnette, Michael | Junior System Administrator | Information Technology | (405) 422-1474 | Michael.Burnette@redlandscc.edu |
Fadum, Michael | Assistant Coach for Women’s Soccer, Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Athletics, Liberal Arts | Michael.Fadum@redlandscc.edu | |
Fletcher, Michael | Maintenance/Custodian Worker | Physical Plant | (405) 262-2552 | Michael.Fletcher@redlandscc.edu |
Franco, Michael | Adjunct Instructor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6237 | Michael.Franco@redlandscc.edu |
Lummus, Michael | Academic Specialist | TRIO Veterans Upward Bound | (405) 426-8867 | Michael.Lummus@redlandscc.edu |
Ainsworth, Mike | Assistant Director of Information Technology | Information Technology | (405) 422-1476 | Mike.Ainsworth@redlandscc.edu |
Grogan, Mollie | Administrative Assistant, Nursing Advisor | Nursing and Allied Health | (405) 422-6224 | mollie.grogan@redlandscc.edu |
Brown, Osa | Professional Tutor for Veterans Upward Bound | Veterans Upward Bound | (405) 422-1405 | osa.brown@redlandscc.edu |
Stevens, Palmer | Assistant Coach for Men's Baseball | Athletics | palmer.stevens@redlandscc.edu | |
Przekurat, Paris | Director of Financial Aid | Financial Aid | (405) 422-1442 | przekuratp@redlandscc.edu |
Madzivire, Paul | Head Coach of Men's and Women's Cross Country | Health, Physical Education & Recreation | (405) 422-1482 | paul.madzivire@redlandscc.edu |
Simon, Paul | Professor of Psychology | Criminal Justice and Social Sciences | (405) 422-6292 | simonp@redlandscc.edu |
Clifton, Peggy | Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-6243 | cliftonp@redlandscc.edu |
Medley, Petrina | Adjunct Instructor for Science | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-6273 | Petrina.Medley@redlandscc.edu |
Bailey, Rachel | Professor of Business/Executive Director of the Business Department | Agriculture & Business | (405) 422-1249 | rachel.bailey@redlandscc.edu |
Bates, Rachel | Adjunct Professor for Math | Mathematics & Science | Rachel.Bates@redlandscc.edu | |
Hurt, Rachel | Professor of Computer Science | Business | (405) 422-1226 | rachel.hurt@redlandscc.edu |
Reynolds, Randy | Director of Veterans Upward Bound | Veterans Upward Bound | (405) 422-1451 | Randy.Reynolds@redlandscc.edu |
Underwood, Ray | Technical Services Specialist I | Information Technology | (405) 422-1479 | raymond.underwood@redlandscc.edu |
Baade, Regan | Adjunct Professor of Management Science | Management | (405) 422-1441 | regan.baade@redlandscc.edu |
Harris, Renee | Network Engineer | Information Technology | (405) 422-1496 | Renee.Harris@redlandscc.edu |
Buchholz, Richard | Director of Physical Plant | Physical Plant | (405) 422-6204 | buchholzr@redlandscc.edu |
Walcott, Richard | Adjunct Professor for Science | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-6225 | Richard.Walcott@redlandscc.edu |
Thompson, Robert | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | robert.thompson@redlandscc.edu | |
Sharry, Ryann | Outreach Specialist for NASNTI Part A | NASNTI Part A Cooperative Grant | (405) 422-6271 | ryann.sharry@redlandscc.edu |
Yarbrough, Sandra | Adjunct Instructor for Social Science | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-6287 | yarbroughs@redlandscc.edu |
Diaz, Sarah | Bursar | Business Office | (405) 422-1297 | Sarah.Diaz@redlandscc.edu |
Charmasson, Scotti | Professor of Agriculture/Department Head of Agriculture and Business | Agriculture and Business | (405) 422-1225 | Scotti.Charmasson@redlandscc.edu |
Dodd, Shannon | Athletics Coordinator | Athletics | (405) 422-6229 | Shannon.Dodd@redlandscc.edu |
Hale, Shaylee | Adjunct Professor for Social Science | Social Science | (405) 422-6260 | Shaylee.Hale@redlandscc.edu |
Scotten, Spencer | Professor of Agriculture/Coach of Livestock Judging Team/Coordinator of Competitive Teams | Agriculture & Business | (405) 422-1404 | Spencer.Scotten@redlandscc.edu |
Horner, Stacy | Program Director for Early Settlement Mediation (West Program) | Dispute Mediation Program | (405) 295-6180 | Stacy.Horner@redlandscc.edu |
Verser, Stanley | Director of Printing Services and Mail Room Operations | Printing and Mailing Services | (405) 422-1411 | versers@redlandscc.edu |
Fisher, Stephanie | Cougar Corner Store Clerk/Catering Cook | Store Operations | (405) 422-1430 | fishers@redlandscc.edu |
Carano, Steve | Adjunct Professor for Science | Mathematics & Science | (405) 422-6225 | Steve.Carano@redlandscc.edu |
Neuhaus, Steve | Manager of Royse Ranch | Agriculture | (405) 422-6293 | steve.neuhaus@redlandscc.edu |
Allen, Susan | Adjunct Instructor for Early Childhood Development | Child Development | (405) 422-6201 | Susan.Allen@redlandscc.edu |
Rooker, Suzanne | Director of Learning Resources Center | Learning Resources Center | (405) 422-1255 | suzanne.rooker@redlandscc.edu |
Dacus, Sydney | Career Readiness Specialist and Adjunct Instructor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-1440 | sydney.dacus@redlandscc.edu |
Johnson, Talitha | Adjunct Instructor for Clinical Nursing | Nursing | talitha.johnson@redlandscc.edu | |
McCabe, Tamie | Coordinator of Assessment and Colleague Manager | Information Technology | (405) 422-1409 | Tamie.McCabe@redlandscc.edu |
Douglas, Tara | Director of Foundation Development and Alumni Relations | Foundation | (405) 422-1271 | tara.douglas@redlandscc.edu |
Sliauter, Taylor | Head Coach of Women's Golf, Assistant Athletic Director | Health, Phys Ed & Recreation | (405) 422-6241 | Taylor.Sliauter@redlandscc.edu |
Holman, Thomas | Adjunct Professor for Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | (405) 422-6237 | Thomas.Holman@redlandscc.edu |
Johnson, Tiffany | Administrative Assistant for Title IV Student Support Services | TRIO – Student Support Services | (405) 422-1434 | tiffany.johnson@redlandscc.edu |
Fadum, Timothy | Learning Resources Center Assistant | Learning Resources Center | timothy.fadum@redlandscc.edu | |
McMichael, Timothy | Student Services Specialist II | Admissions and Advising | (405) 422-6299 | Timothy.McMichael@redlandscc.edu |
Jacobs, Tina | Coordinator of Resident Life and Bookkeeper for Foundation | Resident Life | (405) 422-1454 | Tina.Jacobs@redlandscc.edu |
Hobson, Todd | Professor of Criminal Justice, Department Head of Criminal Justice and Social Sciences | Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | (405) 422-6253 | hobsonpt@redlandscc.edu |
Davis, Tori | Director for Upward Bound | Upward Bound | (405) 422-1421 | Tori.Davis@redlandscc.edu |
Mammedaty, Travis | Adjunct Instructor for Communications | Social Science | travis.mammedaty@redlandscc.edu | |
Powers, Travis | General Maintenance Worker | Physical Plant | travis.powers@redlandscc.edu | |
Troxell, Trent | Head Coach of Baseball | Health, Phys Ed & Recreation | Trent.Troxell@redlandscc.edu | |
Milligan, Troy | Coordinator of Institutional Research & Effectiveness | Institutional Research and Effectiveness | (405) 422-1206 | milligant@redlandscc.edu |
Sailer, Amy | Upward Bound Instructor | Upward Bound | Amy.Sailer@redlandscc.edu | |
Kramer, Wesley | Adjunct Instructor for Art Appreciation | Performing Arts | v | |
Farr, William | Assistant Coach for Baseball and Admissions & Advising Assistant | Baseball and Admissions & Advising | william.farr@redlandscc.edu | |
Torres Moreno, Yadira | Adjunct Instructor for Clinical Nursing | Nursing | elena.torresmoreno@redlandscc.edu | |
Mayorga, Yesenia | Executive Administrative Assistant | Administration | (405) 422-1289 | Yesenia.Mayorga@redlandscc.edu |
Lamb, Zachary | Education Specialist for Upward Bound | Upward Bound | Zachary.Lamb@redlandscc.edu |
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