Redlands Aggie Club to Host Miss Oklahoma

EL RENO - In honor of the 32nd Annual Achievement Banquet, Redlands Community College Aggie Club will host speaker Betty Thompson, Miss Oklahoma 2011. The banquet called "Building on the Best" will be held on Thursday, May 10 at 6 p.m. in the RCC Conference Center. 

The event is seven dollars per person and includes a pork chop dinner. The banquet will highlight the agriculture and equine student accomplishments for this school year.  The public will have a chance to view the awards and pictures from the year.

Thompson's platform, "Milk It Really Does a Body Good," is inspired by growing up on a small Jersey dairy farm near Davenport, Oklahoma.  Thompson encourages students to develop healthy eating choices and habits at a young age by having three servings of dairy every day.  She is active with "Fuel Up to Play 60," which encourages students to fuel up their bodies with healthy nutritious meals and be active for 60 minutes every day. 

Thompson is a senior Elementary Education major at Oklahoma State University. She is also a part of the "New Look of Milk" campaign that focuses on schools switching to plastic bottles instead of paper cartons.   She is a member of the Dairy Farmers Spokesperson Network, as well as, a Dairy Max Classroom Educator. 

Thompson dances with the world -famous McTeggart Irish Dancers and represented the USA at the World Irish Dance Championships for four years, as well as, the All- Ireland Irish Dance Championships for five years where she was the first Oklahoman to medal. She began teaching private lessons in 2007 and eventually dance classes in Tulsa and Sapulpa in 2009. 

The Aggie Club Banquet has been a tradition of Redlands Community College for 32 years.  Several awards will be given to individuals and teams for their outstanding participation in competitions and clubs within the agriculture and equine department.