Media Monthly Wrap-Up: September 2016

Redlands Community College Monthly Wrap-Up: September 2016



  • Back-to-School Bash: Redlands Student Clubs and Organizations welcomed everyone for the fall semester at the annual Back-to-School Bash on Sept. 14. Los Bandidos Taco Truck served free tacos, and inside the newly refurbished Student Center, caricature artists, a selfie photo booth and a DJ entertained students, faculty and staff alike. The event was planned to bring awareness to new students of the multitude of activities and groups available for them to become involved in on campus.

  • Blood Drive: The September blood drive yielded the most donations ever collected on the Redlands campus in a single day, with 35 people stopping by the Conference Center to donate blood. The Student Nursing Association is now looking toward the next drive on Nov. 7.

  • INBRE Panel Visit: On Sept. 12, the “Idea Network for Biomedical Research Excellence” Panel made their visit to collect information on how Redlands Community College is using grant money awarded by the organization to aid students in their scientific pursuits. Redlands has been awarded INBRE funds since 2003; these funds are used to encourage students to consider a career in the sciences related to biomedical research and continue their educations through graduate school. Redlands also uses these funds to reach out to area K-12 schools, through programs like Summer Kids’ College and Wellness in the Woods.

  • Constitution Day: On Sept. 16, Redlands Community College celebrated Constitution Day, which honors the September 1787 signing of the U.S. Constitution by the Founding Fathers. Pocket editions of the Constitution were given out for free to students, and History Professor Mike Tabor and Government Professor Tom Taylor led a Constitution Day Trivia Game. Students Mia Miller, Marco Salas and Alexie Davis each won a Redlands Bookstore gift certificate, while Wesley Satoe and Kade Bollinger won Cougar Corner mugs. In addition, the Redlands Learning Resource Center librarians created a display featuring books about the Constitution.

  • Veterans Upward Bound Award: The Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs has announced that Redlands’ Veterans Upward Bound is the recipient of a Community Partnership Award. Director Brennan Apostolo and his colleagues, Kelsey Heggy and Amy Graham, will accept the award at a ceremony in Oklahoma City on Oct. 7. As a free college-prep program of the U.S. Department of Education, Veterans Upward Bound is designed to motivate and assist veterans in the development of academic and other skills necessary for acceptance and success in college. The program provides counseling, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction in core subject areas. The Redlands Veterans Upward Bound program helps veteran-participants in 14 Oklahoma counties.
